Two years ago when I met Bob Proctor for the first time at Akasha. I was there was see John Demartini. Little did I know, I was going to meet the man who'd change my life.

How we attract what we want & don't want, how we can change our results & what prevents us, how we can have richness in every area of our life.
I just found myself thinking this guy is making sense. It was as if I found the missing link of my self development & personal growth. Explaining things so simply & effectively.
I just found myself thinking this guy is making sense. It was as if I found the missing link of my self development & personal growth. Explaining things so simply & effectively.
A complete shift in my awareness

"Wow this is just what I want."
When he mentioned the price, around £1,000 (aprox. $2,000).
When he mentioned the price, around £1,000 (aprox. $2,000).
My paradigms kicked in. That little voice in my head kept on saying
"What £1,000 I can't afford that"
"What if it doesn't work"
And a whole other bunch of "What if's".
"What if it doesn't work"
And a whole other bunch of "What if's".
I just hit my own Terror Barrier. I knew, this was something I really wanted & need it, but my paradigms took hold. Instead of breaking through my Terror Barrier, I reverted back to my comfort zone. No amazing product.
I'm sure you know what I mean, it's just like going to a store, seeing what you want, really want, taking a look at the price tag & putting it back. Listening to your paradigms about not being able to afford it, rather than focusing on ways to have what you want.
I'm sure you know what I mean, it's just like going to a store, seeing what you want, really want, taking a look at the price tag & putting it back. Listening to your paradigms about not being able to afford it, rather than focusing on ways to have what you want.
How many times have you done that?
As I went home, I couldn't stop thinking about Bob Proctor, why is it I let my paradigm, rob me of what I really wanted.
From that day I decided to learn more about Bob Proctor & his teaching.

It was a journey of self discovery.
Discovering the factors that influence my thoughts, how to change my thoughts to move me in the direction of my dreams, how to overcome the Terror Barrier & much, much more.
Eventually I decided to partner with him, as one of his LifeSuccess Consultants. Spending a week with him in Florida, studying along with great trainers like Paul Martinelli, Christian Simpson, Roddy Galbraith, Michael Nicolas & the great Wayne Dyer in Florida. 

Studying all of his programs. All of which have helped shaped my life, taking me in the direction of an incredibly amazing relationship & my true purpose in life. Both stories will in future blog entries.
All of the above programs are very powerful. I coach & train people on all of them.
However "The Science of Getting Rich", is his greatest masterpiece.
Look back now, I just wish I plucked up the courage to pay the £1,000, it would have paid itself over & over, worth every single penny.
Look back now, I just wish I plucked up the courage to pay the £1,000, it would have paid itself over & over, worth every single penny.
You will discover how to move in the direction of your dreams & desires, not just move but have what you really desire.
Just imagine what would your life would be like, never again putting back what you want, just because of the price.
Now what would it be like if you shared this knowledge with your children, family & friends, wouldn't that enrich their lives?
That's a question for you to answer.
You have an incredible opportunity now to benefit from this great program, at 10% of the original price, plus plenty of other bonuses & a 90 day guarantee.
Don't just take my word for it, just listen & watch real life testimonials
Click here for Testimonials
Take advantage of 7 Free Lessons of the law of attraction
Click here for 7 Free Lessons of the law of attraction
Listen & watch the seven preview sessions, before you decide.
Click here for the seven previews sessions
However if you want to discover how to benefit from the program
Click here "The Science of Getting Rich"
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